Mother Frog Tails

Scroll down to read all past issues of the Mother Frog Tails comic.

"With loss of habitat and the current climate crisis, a U.N. report recently estimated one million plant and animal species are teetering on the edge of extinction and may not survive our lifetime. Amphibians like frogs are endangered, and we humans are contributing to this “sixth extinction.”

Only humans can affect the changes needed, and Mother Frog will show us the way."

Read the LATEST edition of this hyper-local Rutland City Comic:

Chapter Four, Part Two
Chapter Four, Part One

Read all PAST editions of the Mother Frog Tails comic below in order:

Vermont Tree Spirits

"We respect people, land, and nature over profit."


  1. Joy Krevetski on January 1, 2022 at 6:04 am

    I will try to listen for and hear Mother Frog and all the animals to try to change the damage we humans have and continue to do to the environment’.
    Mother Frog’s story is very enlightening.

  2. Casey on January 1, 2022 at 5:04 pm

    Connor says when he walks around in the forest he he’s birds chirping and all the animals. Connor says he likes the funny pictures. Connor thinks noise pollution is bad for the environment because animals can’t hear other animals. Thanks mother frog! Till next time.

  3. Casey on January 1, 2022 at 5:07 pm

    Connor says when he walks around in the forest he hears birds chirping and all the animals. Connor thinks noise pollution is bad for the environment because animals can’t hear other animals. Thank you Mother Frog!

  4. Seamus on January 1, 2022 at 7:30 pm

    Mother frog is a wise because the smallest
    of earth creatures are impacted the most by the reckless acts of human kind. Frogs are a bellwether for what’s to come for all of us. The beekeepers are at attention after massive colony loss. What can we do Mother frog?

  5. H. Dean Clark on January 5, 2022 at 1:37 am

    Ahh – such evocative truths! Thank you Mother Frog for bringing this to our attention. And may 2022 be the year that we begin a serious effort to turn things around!

  6. Joy Krevetski on February 16, 2022 at 7:48 pm

    I hope we humanoid’s will clean up our acts and stop polluting our waters, destroying our forests and hunting our small animals for fun. It’s a shame that people don’t seem to care about the World we live in. If we humanoids don’t change our ways, the Earth will not be here for future generations.
    We Humanoids are the only ones who can fix the problems we have caused.
    Mother Frog I hope I can change my polluting ways.

  7. Joy Krevetski on March 21, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    I hope Ma Doe, Razz, the Blue Jay, Papa Squirrel and The Fox can visit my land because I would like to talk to them and help spread the word of cleaning up this world for everyone. I know MaBudda and believe in her work to get the humanoids to change the way we live.

  8. Joy Krevetski on March 21, 2022 at 4:43 pm

    I hope Ma Doe, Razz, the Blue Jay, Papa Squirrel and The Fox can visit my land because I would like to talk to them and help spread the word of cleaning up this world for everyone. I know MaBudda and believe in her work to get the humanoids to change the way we live.

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