On the Porch in Rutland City – Episode 05

Kathleen at Roundtable

In this special episode of On the Porch in Rutland City with Kathleen Krevetski, Kathleen presents her vision for the former College of St. Joseph at a public meeting held on March 15th at the Rutland Free Library. Called “Music For Life,” this project embraces the truth that music heals. Following her presentation, attendees participated in a roundtable discussion to ask questions, share ideas, and offer feedback.

On the Porch in Rutland City – Episode 04

Mike Guay, Owner of Enchanted Flora Farm

Kathleen discusses local happenings in Rutland with Mike Guay, owner of the Enchanted Flora Farm. See what this master gardener and business owner has to say about plants, soil, the environment, and running a small business. Check out our Youtube channel for more episodes of “On the Porch in Rutland City”, and see some photos from our own garden here.

On the Porch in Rutland City – Episode 03

Vermont Tree Spirits

In this episode, Kathleen Krevetski hosts northwest-neighborhood resident & community activist Nick Santoro on her front porch for a candid conversation about “Public Ownership for the Public Good” – a campaign to purchase the former College of St. Joseph property to benefit the people of Rutland and Rutland City, Vermont. Watch this 22-minute video using the youtube link above!

On the Porch in Rutland City – Episode 02

Vermont Tree Spirits

In this episode of On the Porch in Rutland City, Kathleen interviews Jack Crowther who is spearheading the efforts in Rutland City to have fluoride removed from the City’s drinking water. Enjoy this informative, relevant conversation! Check out the Rutland Fluoride Action plan on their website.

On the Porch In Rutland City – Episode 01

Vermont Tree Spirits

On this first episode of On the Porch in Rutland City, Kathleen Krevetski (Small Business Owner & Rutland Resident) introduces this new front-porch community conversation series and discusses her current Public Ownership for the Public Good Campaign. It would be beneficial for the people of Rutland to own the former College of St. Joseph property rather than having Heritage Family Credit Union sell in to a private, for-profit company. Enjoy!